Insect Repellent
Flick the Tick
“Flick the Tick is a natural tick repellent made with a custom effective natural oil blend that is DEET-FREE, and smells great! Our special essential oil blend is made to help keep ticks and insects away. Comes in a perfect sized 4oz spray bottle.
Active Ingredients: Cedarwood Oil, Citronella Oil, Geranium Oil, Lemongrass Oil & Rosemary Oil
Inert Ingredients: Distilled Water, Vitamin E, & Glycerin”
Murphy’s Naturals
All-natural (but not organic) insect repellent spray made from Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus — “the only plant based ingredient recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Repels mosquitoes & insects for up to 6 hours: Repels mosquitoes that may transmit Zika virus, West Nile virus, Dengue virus & Chicungunya virus.” Also insect repellent incense sticks and candles.
Greenerways Organic
Insect repellants made from organic ingredients for body and garden. “Our USDA certified bottling facility ensures the formula remains in an unadulterated state, eliminating the need for additives that may lessen effectiveness and ensuring it remains a truly 100% organic product….Made from a DEET-free, non-toxic blend of organicplant-based essential oils, including citronella, lemongrass and cedar oil that are known for their natural bug repelling properties and safe use.
Dr. Fedorenko True Organic
Organic tick and mosquito repellents that are clinically proven to prevent the transmission of Lyme disease and repels ticks and mosquitoes. It is a certified organic product made with essential oils and herbs. “Dr.Fedorenko True Organic Bug Stick is designed to protect and nourish skin to keep it looking and feeling healthy while keeping mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, horseflies, black and biting flies away. Works quickly to protect you and the whole family. Luxurious botanical butters infused with pure essential oils help to hydrate your skin. Powerful blend of pure essential oils keep biting insects away for hours. ”
Plastic-free containers.