Chemicals That Don’t Cause Cancer Themselves Can Cause Cancer When Combined
Today my guests are Ken Cook, President of Environmental Working Group and Curt DellaValle, Senior Scientist at EWG. In August, EWG released a new guide called Rethinking Carcinogens which summarizes new research about cancer from the Halifax Project. This collaboration of more than 300 scientists are investigating ways in which toxic chemicals we are exposed to every day may cause cancer. This includes 85 common chemicals not known to be carcinogenic on their own, 50 of which were found to disrupt cancer-related pathways at low doses typically encountered in the environment.

Saunas to Detox Chemicals From Your Body
My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, founder and head writer of Liveto110.com. Wendy highly recommends the use of home saunas for detox to her clients and knows all about them. We'll be talking about how regular time in a sauna can benefit your health, different types of saunas and which work best for detox, how to use a sauna, and how to choose a sauna to purchase for home use.

How to Remove Toxic Chemical Odors Around the House
My guest today is Kyle Knappenberger. He is the Director of Applications at Timilon Technology Acquisitions LLC, in Naples, Florida. Kyle joined Timilon in 2013 when they acquired the technology behind OdorKlenz®, a consumer brand of household odor removal products. We will be talking about harmful chemical classes around the home and ways to eliminate them—particularly how to remove perfume odors from laundry and washing machines.