Detox Your Dentures
My guests today are Merinne Mesku and Melissa Mesku, sisters and co-founders of Pure Cure Dental Technology, LLC, the first company to address the toxins and allergens in dentures. Their flagship product, Pure Cure Denture Detox, reduces the residual toxic and allergenic substances that have been shown to leach from dentures and into the mouth.

Saunas to Detox Chemicals From Your Body
My guest today is Wendy Myers, CHHC, NC, founder and head writer of Liveto110.com. Wendy highly recommends the use of home saunas for detox to her clients and knows all about them. We'll be talking about how regular time in a sauna can benefit your health, different types of saunas and which work best for detox, how to use a sauna, and how to choose a sauna to purchase for home use.