Why You Need a Water Filter
Toxic-Free Talk Radio
Archives of radio interview transcripts with leading toxic-free innovators recorded 2013-2015
The Best Water Filter Just Got Even Better
Host: Debra Lynn Dadd
Guest: Igor Milevskiy
Date of Broadcast: March 19, 2014
Because our bodies need pure water to eliminate toxic chemicals, we each need to have an effective water filter for good health. Igor Milevskiy runs Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters, a small, family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters which remove fluoride, radiation, and pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramine, lead, and other common pollutants...at an affordable price. We'll be talking about pollutants in your tap water, how they can affect your health, and how to choose a water filter that will remove them. Even if you have a water filter, it may not be removing water pollutants as effectively as you think. Also find out how you can pay for your filter by selling these exceptional filters to others (and there's no fee to join).
DEBRA: Hi, I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and this is Toxic Free Talk Radio where we talk about how to thrive in a toxic world and live toxic free because there’s so many toxic chemicals around in the world. We don’t have to become ill by them. We don’t have to be exposed to them. There are a lot of things that we can do to reduce our exposure and remove toxic chemicals from our body so that we can be healthy and happy and productive and enjoy life. And that’s why we do the show.
Today is Wednesday, March 19th 2014. I’m here in Clearwater, Florida. It’s a beautiful spring day. The sun is shining. There’s flowers outside my window. And today, we’re going to be talking about water filters, how to get pure water. It doesn’t come out of your tap.
My guest is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy. He’s the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. It’s a small family-owned company that makes exceptional water filters, which remove fluoride, radiation, pharmaceuticals as well as chlorine, chloramines, sled and other common pollutants. And the thing that’s amazing about this is not only does it do all that, but it’s an affordable filter. It doesn’t cause thousands and thousands of dollars.
This is such a good filter that I have one in my own house. I’ve had it for over a year. I love it. A lot of my readers have purchased them too. I get lots of emails from people telling me, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. This water is great.” You just need to change the cartridges about once a year and they are also affordable.
IGOR MELVSKIY just developed a new carbon cartridge, which is amazing. And so we’re going to be talking about that today, but we’re also just going to be talking about water filtration in general and the kinds of things that are effective and not effective. Hi, IGOR MELVSKIY.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Hi, Debra. Nice to talk with you again.
DEBRA: Thank you. Thanks for being on again. I know you’ve been on before, but tell us (because I know we probably have a lot of new listeners here) how you got interested in water.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Well, in my younger years, I was always interested in aquariums. I was an aquarium hobbyist. And with fish, they’re really sensitive to water changes. So I had to make sure that I really understood the chemistry of the water and kept it on top shape.
Many years of taking care of fish taught me about the need for proper water balance and chemistry in these particular animals. So with myself then, I began to realize, “Well, why am I not really looking at water that I’m drinking?” And so I started to research.
DEBRA: Yeah, good question.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah! I took care of the fish, but I wasn’t really drinking the water that was that clean myself. So I started to look into water filters and do a lot of research just like anybody else who comes to realize that something is wrong with tap water.
I’ve tested a lot of filters, I’ve gotten to the chemistry of it all and I realized there was not a solution in the marketplace that took care of all the contaminants I wanted to filter out. There was not an all-in-one filter that took care of fluoride, chloramines, chlorines, drug residues, radiation and also adjusted the pH to make the water more alkaline. So the idea was born to create something, like an all-in-one, high performance filter system.
DEBRA: And you did an excellent job at that.
DEBRA: Yeah, there’s so much that we can talk about. I’m just thinking where should we start. So let’s just talk about the different pollutants. Why don’t you give an overview of the different pollutants because I think that a lot of people understand that their tap water isn’t very pure, but they don’t know where to start in terms of getting a water filter that’s effective.
They see advertisements for inexpensive filters that you just put on your faucet or pitcher filters and they think that that’s enough. So would you give us the different pollutants and also, the different types and to divide into their different types?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Sure! Well first, I’d like to start by saying that the laws for cleaning water, for filtering water are outdated. So, the water treatment centers are legally not required to deal with the contaminants that are emerging now more and more often. For example, drug residues that have been found in over 40 million households in the United States.
So that’s the first problem. The laws are outdated and we’re already getting water that’s not fully clean as well as it should be.
But even if the laws were updated, you would have problems still because the water still needs to be disinfected before it reaches your home. As it passes through the plumbing and the pipes, it needs to contain some kind of a disinfectant so there’s no bacteria or mold or things like that.
So even if they cleaned it well at the treatment center, they would still add and introduce new chemicals after the treatment and those include chlorine, chloramines, which is a more persistent disinfectant that they’re using now. It’s a combination of chlorine and ammonia. It lasts a lot longer in the water system, but because of that, it’s a lot harder to remove. It doesn’t evaporate as quickly as chlorine.
They also introduced fluoride into the water, pH stabilizers, rust inhibitors to prevent pipes from rusting. There’s a lot of chemicals involved even in the treatment process itself that the best idea to deal with that is to filter the water right out of your faucet.
DEBRA: That really is necessary. I used to think many, many years ago, “Why don’t they just send us clean water?” And as you just explained, they can’t because it could be absolutely pristine when it leaves the water treatment plant, but by the time it goes through the whole system of pipes – and I don’t even know how many miles of pipe it is from the water treatment center to my house, but it’s a lot of pipe. All those pipes are already contaminated with other things. They may have bacteria in them. They may have all these different kinds of things.
Water is called the universal solvent because it will pick up whatever it passes by. And so if you were to send that very clean water through a pipe and have it pick up bacteria and rust and whatever else is in there, then it will be very polluted by the time it gets to your tap.
So really, every single house needs to have a water filter – every single house. There’s no way around it because you cannot get clean water from your tap period. You just can’t.
DEBRA: Everybody has a refrigerator, everybody has a stove, everybody should just have a water filter.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, that’s the right thing to do if you care about your health and you don’t want to drink chlorinated water. I’m not a medical specialist, but I’ve read some studies that chlorine, because it kills bacteria (and also chloramines) could also interfere when you drink that water with the stomach balance of bacteria that is good for you like probiotic.
DEBRA: Right! All those bacteria, they are bacteria that are sensitive to chlorine and chloramines. And so in order to digest your food, you need to have all those probiotic bacteria there. People take probiotics and then they drink tap water…
IGOR MELVSKIY: …which kill bacteria.
DEBRA: …which kill the bacteria – not only does it kill the bacteria that is already just naturally in your gut, but it kills those expensive probiotics that you just took with that glass of water that has chlorine and chloramine in it.
DEBRA: This is just really something that we really have to watch out for. And also, chlorine and chloramines can get absorbed through your skin when you take a shower and go into your body in the same way. So it’s more drinking. We really have to look at the total picture of our water quality and we can put water filters on our faucets.
Let’s just talk about the three styles. Go ahead and describe them. Otherwise, I’m just going to talk through the whole interview.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, you mean our bestselling Ultra filter that have the chambers?
DEBRA: Yeah, yeah, the countertop, under-sink and whole house.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Well, those are as I’ve mentioned earlier in the program the all-in-one high performance system that’s our bestselling unit, the Pure Effect Ultra. We also have an under-counter version, the Ultra-UC, which installs out of sight. And also, we have a whole house version that cleans the water to your whole home – shower, bath water. Even the water you use to garden can be cleaned.
Now, each of those systems has various stages of how it filters the water and they’re scientifically correct stages. The water gets treated properly. The first stage the water goes through is our newest innovation as you mentioned earlier. We’ve created a new carbon block, which is made out of two types of activated carbon. Your audience may know activated carbon is one of the best substances to absorb chemicals.
DEBRA: Actually, I need to interrupt you because you’re going to give us a long explanation here and we need to go to break. So let’s take the break and then you can come back and talk as much as you want.
You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd and my guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy from Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. We’re talking about portable effective filters. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You're listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I'm Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIYMilevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. Actually, what you should do is you should go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com and in the right sidebar, there’s a little ad that says the water filter I use in my home. Click on that and that will be the easiest way for you to get to his website and see the filter that I use.
So IGOR MELVSKIY, before you go on, I want you to start over describing your filter, but I just want to give another example so that listeners can compare what you’re offering with what a lot of people are using. So let’s just talk about the regular pitcher type filter or the type that goes on a faucet and all that’s in there is carbon, regular carbon and not very much of it.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Right, very small amount.
DEBRA: Very small amount.
DEBRA: What happens with carbon is that it will ‘adsorb’ – I know, people think that I’ve misspoken “It’s absorbed,” but no. It’s ‘adsorb’. It means that the pollutants, it will draw the pollutants in.
But what happens and what most people don’t realize is that when all the little pores in the carbon – that’s like a sponge, it’s like a hard sponge. There’s all these little pores that the water goes through and the pollutant molecules get caught. What happens is that when all of the little spaces are filled and the water comes through, it starts releasing the molecules of pollutants that it has gathered back into the water.
So if you only have a little bit of carbon or you don’t change your filters, you’ll start re-polluting your water. And so if you have just a little, tiny carbon filter like in a pitcher or on a faucet and you just leave it there for six months or something, you’re just making your water more and more polluted instead of removing the pollutants.
Now, that’s what those inexpensive filters are like. Now, listen to what IGOR MELVSKIY has put together.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Okay! So we packed all those concerns into our unit. The first chamber in our systems features a carbon block that’s about 10” in length. It actually combines two types of high-grade catalytic carbon. What ‘catalytic’ means is it decomposes chemicals in contact. It’s a much higher grade of carbon than just regular activated carbon you may get in pitcher filters and little faucet filters.
You need catalytic carbon to deal with, for example, chloramines. Regular filters are not going to remove that very well.
DEBRA: No. That’s why people should recognize that two different kinds of substances are being used. You either have chlorine or you have chloramines, which is the mixture of chlorine and ammonia. The carbon that removes chlorine is different from the carbon that removes chloramines. And so you need to make sure that you get the right one. I think yours removes both, right?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Exactly! It removes both. And because we’ve combined two types of activated carbon – as you know, carbon can be from coconut shell, wood-based or coal-based. We’ve combined two of the best types, which have different pore sizes, as you’ve mentioned earlier, for the adsorption. They have different pore structures and what we achieved was a wide range of pores from micro to meso to macropores, which capture a super wide range of different chemical molecules that can be found in the water.
DEBRA: That’s just amazing! I just love that.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah! Yeah, yeah. So that’s the first stages. It’s all a half a micron compression. So all these carbon is compressed into half a micro pore size as far as the granules of the carbon (we’re not talking about the micro pores of the carbon itself). So the block is half a micron, which is extremely fine. It also blocks microbial cysts like Giardia and Clyptospiridium, which survive the disinfection process. They have a hard shell, so it blocks those and sends the water on to the next stage for fluoride removal, which is another big one that a lot of mainstream companies don’t address like the Brita or Pure. I don’t believe they’ve removed these...
DEBRA: No, they don’t remove any fluoride. And even some of the other companies, I looked at a lot of water filters and I say, “Well, why don’t you remove fluoride?” and they say, “Oh, well that would make it too expensive.”
But I guarantee you that this is an affordable filter because I’ve looked at al of them.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, and you don’t have to replace the cartridges so soon with the little faucet filters. You have to replace them almost every two months.
DEBRA: Right, you do.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, and you’re not getting as good of a filtration.
DEBRA: No. Absolutely, you aren’t. Have you ever added up the cost of those little filters in comparison to yours? Probably yours is a little more expensive, I’m guessing, but it’s so much better.
IGOR MELVSKIY: It could be. Yeah, to be honest, I haven’t done that, but I’ve heard a lot of complaints from people – I have complaints myself when I use those filters. They clog very quickly because they’re so small. And number one, they don’t remove fluoride, especially the pitcher filters. They’re inconvenient because you have to wait for the water to filter. I have to wait for it to drop down. Whereas with our system, it’s virtually instant. Turn on the filter and you have water coming right out the spout.
DEBRA: Yes. So go on with the different cartridges you have.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Okay! So as I’ve mentioned, after the first dual carbon block, the water goes on to the fluoride stage where it removes the fluoride using an all-natural media. There’s not many companies that remove fluoride, the ones that do usually use aluminum-based media. We don’t. We use the carbon calcium base media as well that reacts with fluoride and safely takes it out of the water).
And as that happens, the water moves on to the third phase where we have a nuclear grade zeolite. What that means is that it’s especially processed mineral that has been shown to remove radiation infused by nuclear facilities worldwide. We also have that feature in the system. Especially if you’re living in the west coast or by a nuclear plant or by a weapons development facility or even if you’re on well water that may have naturally occurring plutonium or uranium, it’s a good idea to have this in a water filter if you’re drinking this water. And so we have that and as well as heavy metal removal media in that last stage.
So combining all these technologies, we also reduce the water flow to a certain rate so it’s not going through the system so quick. You get quite the pure effect.
DEBRA: Yes, you do. Sorry, I was laughing and I took this big breath of air. We need to go to break, but you did a very good job putting that right into that time period and getting all those points in.
DEBRA: So we’re going to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIY Milevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. If you want to go to his website, just go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com and scroll down the page until you see the little ad that says the water filter I use in my home. You can click right there and get right to his website. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You're listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I'm Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIYMilevskiy. He is the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. He has some of the most amazing water filters that I’ve ever seen and I’ve been looking at water filters for over 30 years. He’s thought of some new things.
IGOR MELVSKIY, I want to talk about the alkalinity of the water because you’ve done some special things to adjust the pH of the water and there are some other units available where people are really stressing about drinking alkaline water that’s very, very alkaline.
I know myself, I put my water through an alkalizer for five or six years and I drank alkaline water. For me personally, it didn’t seem to do some of the things that were claimed to do, which is why I started drinking it in the first place. But I have just been drinking your water for over a year and my body likes it much better.
So tell us about what you do, but first explain what pH is because I think a lot of people don’t know.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Okay, yeah. pH is the power of hydrogen. It’s a measure of how acidic or alkaline the water is. In other words, how much minerals can be present in the water or be absent from the water as well.
In nature, generally, the pH of the water is alkaline. It’s not heavily alkaline, but it’s alkaline because the water contains minerals like electrolytes like sodium, potassium and calcium. What this does is it creates a buffer within the water structure, so the water is not reactive anymore. It’s not hungry anymore. If you take acidic water, it can corrode metal. If you take water that’s properly balanced that has an alkaline pH, it’s actually not going to be a corrosive agent anymore to such a degree.
As far as the body goes, you do need the minerals and drinking acidic water isn’t good. So this is why we have natural calcium in our system. What it does is it treats the water with trace amounts of calcium that help raise that pH naturally.
Those machines you mentioned, those other types of water ionizers, they do it artificially. They use electricity, which our system doesn’t. We don’t use electricity with our filters. And it uses metal plates to create an electrochemical reaction to generate those ions, which who knows the long-term effects of that type of water is.
We like to look at nature as our blueprint. In nature, we find natural minerals. And so we try to replicate that process as much as possible in our water filter.
I agree! And yes, the machine that I had in the past did have metal plates and the water was actually in contact with them and they put electrical charge into the water. I like your system much better. The water feels right in my body. From the very first glass that I drank, I thought, “Oh, this feels so much better.” My body just wants to drink it.
And you know, when my friends come over to my house, I give them a glass of water. And every single one, when they drink your water, they say, “Wow! What is this water?”
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes! And one of our customers actually started a little business that’s selling the water to people in an area. They’re filtering it for them and they’re selling it for them because they like it so much.
DEBRA: Oh, I should do that. I should do that.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah. In some cities, you can go and buy filtered water, but it’s usually reverse osmosis, which is lacking minerals. It takes the minerals out.
DEBRA: Wow! What a great idea. And probably anybody listening could buy a filter and set that up and it will pay for your filter or share it with your neighbors or whatever – your neighbors on side going on a filter. It’s just so worth it to have clean water. It really is, it really is.
IGOR MELVSKIY: I know! And an interesting thing that I noticed is that some of our customers who have pets like cats and dogs, they wrote a review for us for the filter and they noticed that even their animals are drinking more water after it’s been filtered more than the usual that they’ve been drinking.
So to me, that’s a sign because animals, they know that something’s right or not right. They have a sense.
DEBRA: They do.
IGOR MELVSKIY: That was a good sign for me to see that as well.
DEBRA: Well, I’ll tell you that everyone of my friends that has come to my house and drank my water has purchased a filer because they could really see the difference. I had friends who are like drinking bottled water out of plastic bottles and things like this. Now, I just go to my friend’s house and I look around and I see, “What are they doing for water?” I tell them that they should buy these filters. I have had not one complaint about your filters in all the filters that have been sold to people that I know or my readers in the last year, a little over a year – not one complaint.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Ah, that’s great to hear.
DEBRA: Yeah, you’re doing a great job. I can’t say often enough how thrilled I am with this.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Thank you, thank you. Quality is our main goal as well, to make sure that it’s a quality built system that is not going to fall apart on you. We don’t use any Chinese components or anything. All the parts are US made. So it’s a really high performance, high quality unit you can depend on.
DEBRA: Mine has had absolutely no problems at all. I also want ot say that it is easy to install and it also was easy to change the cartridges.
Some people who I’ve asked who – because I say I have a little write-up in my website and I make a big deal about how I like this filter so much, I was willing to drill a house in my granite countertops who have written to me and said –
I should say, the rest of that story was I was so skeptical about this filter when I got it that I didn’t want to drill a hole in my countertop because what if I didn’t like it and wanted to take it out? So I installed it out in the garage in my laundry sink, so that I could preserve my granite countertop. I got so tired of going out to the garage to get my water that I…
IGOR MELVSKIY: I remember that.
DEBRA: I just drove a hole in the countertop because I thought I want this filter to stay. I want it to be right here and I’m not going to take it out. I’m just going to drink this water and keep putting in the cartridges because it has such a beneficial effect in my body. And everybody else likes it too. It’s pretty amazing.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, yes. I’m glad I can present such a wonderful solution and you recognize the value of such a product and you’ve added it as a permanent fixture to your kitchen, so that’s a lot.
DEBRA: Well, what I want to say though is some people have said that they don’t want to drill a hole in their countertop, can they still have a filter. The answer is yes. The same components are in a countertop filter that you can put on your countertop and you don’t have to drill any holes in. You don’t have to install it. It just goes on the countertop.
And also, if you’re renting, you don’t need to damage the countertop or you can take it with you when you move. And if you have your own home, you can put in a whole house filter, which as IGOR MELVSKIY said before filters all the water in your house.
I have a whole house filter myself, but this filter does a better job and I’m going to swap it out and get one of IGOR MELVSKIY’s whole house filters. But I also have one on my drinking water and that’s the first one that I bought.
DEBRA: We need to go to break. You’re listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIYMilevskiy. He’s the founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. We’ll be right back.
DEBRA: You're listening to Toxic Free Talk Radio. I'm Debra Lynn Dadd. My guest today is IGOR MELVSKIYMilevskiy, founder of Pure Effect Advanced Water Filters. They’re a small family-owned company that makes these water filters that we’ve been discussing. He’s not a large conglomerate. He doesn’t get his components from China.
I get this impression that you order these parts, IGOR MELVSKIY and you put them together by hand?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes, for the most part. Some of them already come pre-assembled. It depends on what part we’re talking about. But often, the case is yes, there’s a lot of involvement with these systems and they’re quality made.
So they’re in limited quantities. Sometimes, we’ll go out of stock like right now, we’re out of stock for a little bit until next week because it takes time and effort to make a quality system. You can’t rush it. So this is definitely something that we put a lot of attention into.
DEBRA: In years past, I used to start off my discussion of water filters by saying, “The first thing that you need to do is get your water tested so that you can find out what kind of filter you need because different types of pollutants are removed by different types of filters.”
And so heavy metal, for example, which is a particle requires something different than say chloramines, which is a gas. But would you say that your filter is universal like that somebody could pretty reliably just put it in their home, their faucet – and I don’t want to say ‘put it on their faucet’, but install it in their home – and it would remove whatever’s in their water?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Generally, yes. It’s designed to fit the widest range of different water types because it’s the media used and the amounts of media we use. It’s not a small system. It’s not overly large. It easily sits on a counter. But it’s bigger than the typical little faucet filter you look at or the pitcher filter. It’s a real machine.
DEBRA: It really is. And one of the things I don’t think we’ve said that I think listeners should understand is that you do need to have the effectiveness of the media. It has to do with contact time too. If the water is only in contact with a small amount of filter media for a short period of time, you’re not going to get as much removal of the pollutant as if there’s a longer contact time. This is a larger system than just the little half inch filter that’s on the faucet one or in a filter. And so the water is going down like through a foot of filtered media or so. Is that right?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Oh, yes. Yes, yes. And that’s just one chamber. We have three chambers of different media. We have three types of activated carbon in the system. It’s all U.S. made cartridges, so it’s very high quality controls on the media. We don’t source, like I mentioned before anything from China.
And we also have four regulator built into the system, which makes sure that if the water that’s going in too fast, it slows it down. So in addition to have enough media, we also slow the water flow down on purpose.
So you could fill a regular cup in about eight seconds. But most other filters on the market, probably four or five seconds, but the water is going through it much faster, which is not a good thing. And without a filter, you don’t get that.
DEBRA: Yeah, it is a little slower than tap water. I mean, the one that I have that is the under-sink one has that little auxiliary faucet that you put. That’s why you have to drill a hole in your countertop, to put in that little faucet. You just flip the little lever –
And actually, one of the things I like about yours, IGOR MELVSKIY is that you can swing the faucet around, so it can go into the sink or it can go over towards the countertop. And what I’ll do is I’ll just put my measuring pot or my teapot or whatever. I’ll just sit in the countertop and flip your little auxiliary faucet towards the countertops so that I don’t even have to hold it.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes, yes. It’s a makeshift [inaudible 00:43:23], exactly.
DEBRA: And that was very clever that you did that because I don’t think the other ones do that. I don’t remember that from the faucet.
IGOR MELVSKIY: It depends on the faucet that you’re using. We use very high-grade faucets that are well-designed. It’s all meant to really simplify your life and give you some good water.
DEBRA: Yup, yup. So I want to talk about minerals because minerals are important to our health and yet, most water filters remove minerals. And yours doesn’t.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, the common systems out there, the mainstream knowledge – you know, a lot of people get a reverse osmosis systems. Generally, reverse osmosis is designed to create ultra pure water that’s devoid of all the minerals for specific purposes like electronics, manufacturing and medical substance manufacturing where you cannot have any competing ions or minerals in the water. But somehow, that technology made its way into the drinking water.
DEBRA: But that’s industrial. That’s making industrial water, reverse osmosis.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, exactly. And you’re not factoring in the wholesome properties of water. You can’t barbarically treat water and remove just everything. You have to do it intelligently and make sure that the water is resembling something that is found in nature, something that we’ve evolved with – and that’s water with minerals and electrolytes.
We’ve always drank it, humans have drank it through all of history. There’s some information that if you’re drinking acidic water that doesn’t have inerals I it, that it could actually leech minerals out of the body. I’m not sure how.
DEBRA: I’ve seen that.
IGOR MELVSKIY: I’m not sure how accurate that is, but there is some research on that as well.
DEBRA: Well, that makes sense to me because as we said before, water is the universal solvent and so if it’s very, very pure in your body, then it can leech things.
Also, isn’t reverse osmosis water pretty acidic?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yes because it removes the minerals that has a membrane that just blocks just about everything, but the water molecule.
And also, it stores the water in a steel tank, which stales it. I don’t like to store water in stale materials because it creates a staler taste. And also, it rejects at least two gallons of water to filter one. Think about that, you’re doubling your water usage, your water waste because you have a reverse osmosis unit for example.
So there’s downsides to it. Our system doesn’t have any of those downsides. There’s no water waste, there’s no steel stale storage tanks to worry about. It’s very simple. It’s on demand. You flip the switch and you have clean water.
DEBRA: Amazing!
IGOR MELVSKIY: And another aspect is you save money. You don’t have to buy bottles anymore.
DEBRA: You know, I think – I haven’t figured this out, but I think that someone could save – like for the price of what they pay for bottled water for a year, they could probably buy your filter.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, if you’re using…
DEBRA: Have you ever worked that out?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Yeah, I forgot the calculation, but I think it comes out to like ¢119 a gallon with our system once you filter it. As far as reverse osmosis, the cost of the replacement cartridge, this comes out to about ¢19 a gallon to use our system as opposed to paying $1 or $2 a gallon for water in a plastic jug from a store that has petrochemicals potentially leeching phthalates and who knows what else that’s not been discovered yet coming off that plastic.
DEBRA: Yeah, all those things coming off the bottle, yeah. So if you want bottled water – I carry bottled water with me, but I put it on a glass bottle. I tie a bandana around it so that it doesn’t – like if I bang it against something, it has a little buffer to it. I just carry your water around in my own bottles, in my own glass bottles. And I think that’s much better than plastic bottles. People really don’t understand how much plastic is on the water. There really is –
Water, again, water is the universal solvent. And if you put water in plastic, it’s going to leech.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Especially if the company is putting it in plastics. Some of them use reverse osmosis water, which is water that’s so-called empty. It doesn’t have minerals. So it’s more reactive to absorb things into itself. So if you have water that’s reverse osmosis treated in a plastic bottle, it’s going to absorb more plastic.
DEBRA: It will. It will, it will, it will especially if it’s sitting out in the sun in front of a convenient store.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Oh, yeah, exactly. Have you had a drink of water from the car after you’ve left it in the bottle for a while?
DEBRA: Yes! It tastes terrible.
IGOR MELVSKIY: You can really taste that plastic especially on a summer day.
DEBRA: Yeah, yeah, yeah. IGOR MELVSKIY, we only have a couple of minutes left. Thank you so much for being with me today. Is there anything that you want to say that we haven’t covered?
IGOR MELVSKIY: Well, we offer free shipping within the U.S.A. on these systems. There’s also no sales tax if you’re not in New York. So the rest of the country has no sales tax. If you’re in New York, unfortunately, there is. We do also offer international shipping. We offer a 7% discount on the system for those orders. So if you’re from another country, you’re also welcome to order our products as well.
DEBRA: And I’d like to add that IGOR MELVSKIY does have an affiliate program, which costs nothing to join. So if you are in another country or if you’re some place that you’d like to make a little extra money, you can certainly sign up as an affiliate and particularly if you’re in another country where these filters are really, really needed, you can set up your own business selling them and help a lot of people. So that’s something to consider too.
IGOR MELVSKIY: Absolutely! It’s a good idea, yes.
DEBRA: Good. So again, the way to get to IGOR MELVSKIY’s website is you can go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com and scroll down the page to where it says ‘The Water Filter I Use In My Home’. Click on that, you’ll get straight to the website. And then you can take a look at them and see if it’s something that you’d like for your home. And if you want to refer your friends to it, you can make a little commission.
So thank you for being with us today. This is Toxic Free Talk Radio. Go to ToxicFreeTalkRadio.com. I’m Debra Lynn Dadd.