Turapur Water Pitcher
I fell for an online infomercial for a water filter Turapur. Though I don't know if it does all it claims to do, I will say that the taste of my tap water has improved beyond words. Do you know this product?

Water Filter—Is Calcite Safe?
Still trying to educate myself on a water filter for my family! One of the contaminants in my water are nitrates. I just discovered this as I was looking through my city water report. In an instant, I switched from being a carbon block advocate, to loving the idea of reverse osmosis (I have always written reverse osmosis off, after reading that it removes essential minerals from the water, and leaves it with a low ph.

Ways to Neutralize Chlorine in Wash Water
I think we just figured out that my teenager with MCS is very sensitive to the chlorine in our municipal water (used for washing clothes, of course). We are at a temporary location. When we find a place to move to, I planned on getting a whole house filter system which I have not researched yet. I do have a chlorine filter on the shower. Is there something we can do with the wash water for now?