How to Minimize Odor and Off-gassing From Paint
Lingering odor is almost always caused by moisture trapped in the coatings. As the moisture comes out, it carries with it the chemical footprint of where it was, which usually means, a distinct aroma of resins and solvents. Here are instructions to minimize off-gassing.
Indoor Air Quality in More Important Than Ever
Covid-19 is a respiratory disease that affects your lungs so now is a good time to be thinking about keeping your lungs, and your overall health, as strong as possible. According to the American Lung Association, air pollution can make the COVID-19 pandemic worse. Since it is a disease affecting the lungs, people who live in places with more air pollution could be more vulnerable.
Why I Don’t Recommend Bake-outs
Studies show that bake-outs do not remove VOCs and in some cases they increase them.
How Long Does it Take for VOCs to Outgas from Paint?
Learn how to minimize off-gassing from paint.
Toxic Chemicals in House Dust
A study found 45 chemicals in household dust. Learn what to do to keep your family safe.
Fastest Way to Remove Paint Fumes
Advice for getting rid of paint fumes is often not adequate. Ideally you should get out of the house until fumes subside and get an air purifier that removes gases.