Need Sensodyne Original Toothpaste Replacement
Sensodyne Original is being discontinued. I need a NON-MINT flavored toothpaste with the 5% potassium nitrate for sensitive teeth or another de-sensitizer that is just as effective. I live in constant sinus headaches and my teeth are super sensitive. Any specific help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Blue Indicator on Toothbrushes
I use the Oral B blue indicator toothbrush. Well I just did some research and found out that the blue indicator is a blue dye, Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Wouldn’t that be considered not healthy?

Lubricating Strips on Razor Blade
How toxic are the lubricating strips on razor blades? This website describes them and lists polyurethane oxide - www.google.com/patents/US6993846. I do know I had a internal body reaction, not a skin reaction to the Gillette Sensor Excel razor blade.

Is Potassium Alum Aluminum-Free?
I am trying to make up my mind about the different kinds of aluminum free deodorants on the market. Some say they are aluminum free when, in fact, they do contain potassium alum. Is this safe to use or is it, in fact, just another aluminum product worded differently? Thank you...

Removing Fragrance from Hair
Every time I go into a store, any store, my hair picks up fragrances from the store and it's patrons. I've tried to remove it with fragrance free shampoo, vinegar and baking soda. Even after washing for 8 to 10 times the fragrance is still there. Any suggestions out there besides shaving my head or wearing a wig?

Zinc Ricinoleate in Deodorant
I gave up using deodorants containing aluminum several years ago and have used several natural products since with varying degrees of success. Recently Tom's of Maine created a new deodorant that claims long lasting 24 hour protection. The ingredients include Zinc Ricinoleate to absorb oder. Is Zinc Ricinoleate safe or is Tom's just replacing one unsafe metal(aluminum) with another(zinc)?