Finding Upholstery Fabrics Without Fire Retardants
Thanks for dedicating your website to toxic free! I have been looking for a fabric that is not treated with stain finish or fire retardants. It looks like even 100% wool upholstery fabric is treated with FR, at least those from eBay who sell discounted fabric from design houses.
Washing out Flame Retardants
Flame retardants that collect on clothing throughout the day will wash off of clothing but clothing treated with flame retardants are designed to withstand washing.
IKEA and Flame Retardants
I contacted IKEA about an article I read but I don't fully know what to make of the response. I read an article about IKEA intending to phase out flame retardants by 2010. Did this happen? What were they replaced with? Do you have any furniture without polyurethane foam, if so what do they contain?