New Refrigerator
I may need to get a new refrigerator. I called Needs in Syracuse and they said that the moso bags will not help with the outgassing/plastic smells in new refrigerator. She had no suggestions except keeping the door open and putting an air cleaner in front of it. Can you please post this question to see what mcs people have done to outgas the inside of a new refrigerator?
New Refrigerator Off-Gassing
I have been in my current home for 12 years with the same refrigerator that was here when we moved in… I'm considering a new refrigerator, yet am stalling, due to the off gassing of new units. (I've been "considering" a purchase for 6 years!). I have searched the web and found very little discourse and no refrigerators that are manufactured with materials that do not off gas.
Do Plastics Off-Gas?
I've been wondering if "everyday" household items made from plastic are off-gassing petrochemicals. Some examples would be plastic food storage containers, plastic flowerpots, plastic broomhandles and dustpans, etc. Thanks for any info on this.